From ancient history, humans have drawn pictures. From ancient to modern humans, we have expressed ourselves throughout painting, perhaps even prior to language. When we look this art, we can see individual patterns. When observing material, a person or a moment, people observe, acknowledge and express ideas about an object throughout their own experience. This causes them to self-examine. Especially, painting requires more time to truly appreciate in observation, because it is representative. When painting while observing a picture, people create images after careful observation, to recreate in some way the image in the picture. Throughout this artistic process, people discover much that can be disregarded or ignored. Paintings composed of discoveries made during an observation period can convey numerous decisions made by the artist, as painting transfers a three-dimensional world onto two dimensions. It conventionalizes and interprets the objects it represents. The many layers in water color paintings, ink layers in engraving, and the streams of time built into a portrait are the results of collected observations by the artist. Artists express these impressions by observing objects enthusiastically overtime. Because artists are able to do this, paintings make us see through the world better.
2020 GyeongGi Creation Center Open Studio
Event Name
2020 GyeongGi Creation Center Open Studio
Event Period
2020. 11. 06. ~ Online all the time
GyeongGi Creation Center website and YouTube channel (online video)
Online Channel
GyeongGi Creation Center YouTube channel
Resident Artists (VR Video Open Studio)
Soona Kim, Young goo Kim, Yonghyun Kim, Eunsol Kim, Jaeyoo Kim, Chaerin Kim, Hyegi Min, Gwantaek Partk, Mira Park, Soyoung Park, Sinyong Park, Sohyung Seo, Hyemin Seo, Pilha Seong, Seongjin Song, Yoojun Eom, Minsoo Oh, Eunjung Lee, Woongcheol Lee, Hyunji Lee, Cheolmin Lim, Minjung Chung, Jungho Chung, Hyundoo Chung, Moonhee Cho, Minah Cho, Seonkyung Cho, Hyuntaek Cho
Resident Planners (video open studio)
Moonsuk Lee, Ahram Hwang
Organizer and Supervision
GyeongGi Cultural Foundation, GyeongGi Creation Center