Area Studies

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The Center for Gyeonggi Studies was founded in 2005 to establish Gyeonggi’s local identity and reinforce its cultural competencies. Under its mission “to communicate Gyeonggi’s yesterday and today until tomorrow,” the center plays a role in (1) discovering unique things about Gyeonggi’s history and culture, (2) developing and utilizing original values in area’s local history and culture, and (3) presenting methods and visions to improve culture-related quality of life for provincial residents.
We pursue basic research on Gyeonggi studies as part of our area studies, we network with and provide support to research institutes and researchers in area studies in the province, and we provide resident participation programs. By establishing archives in Gyeonggi studies, publishing booklets in various cultural areas including history, conducting area investigations and research in connection with cultural institutions and art groups, publishing our periodical publication (the quarterly publication on Gyeonggi Studies), and providing a Gyeonggi humanities education program, we are offering an opportunity for provincial residents to participate and share their results.
The Center for Gyeonggi Studies is aiming for the creation of a 21st century “silhak” (practical studies), which discovers and sheds light on the value of the local area in which we exist to pursue progress into the future. As an open platform in area studies, we will make our best effort to become “the center of the spirit of Gyeonggi humanities as well as a space of research, communication and sharing, visited by people who want to know about Gyeonggi-do Province.”