Gyeonggi Artist Support Center

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Who we are
Gyeonggi Artist Support Center has the objectives to improve unfair practices in the field of art and to support autonomous creation and self-reliant activities of artists, ultimately, we aim for enhancing local art value of artist and residents in Gyeonggi-co province. GASC
What we do
Grants for Artist
Grants for Self-reliant of Young Artists
The grants for young artists in Gyeonggi-do province which aims to enhancing their self-reliant focusing on creative activities and financial independence.
• Fund size: KRW 600 million (KRW 300 million × 200 artists) (to be provided once in a lifetime per person)
• Applicant: 200 artists age 19 to 34 living in Gyeonggi-do Province

Grants for Public Art Business
The grants for planning and promoting social-engaged public art business considering encouraging autogenous of artists and art groups in Gyeonggi-do province
• Fund size: KRW 200,000,000 (a maximum to twenty million won)
•Applicants: Art-based businesses (art groups) and cooperatives in Gyeonggi-do Province

Grants for Creation Space Rental
The grants to support rental fee of creation space as the basis of artistic activities of artists/artist groups in Gyeonggi-do province.
• Fund size: up to 50% of monthly rent per one space for ten months (a maximum to KRW 3,000,000)
• Applicants: Art-based businesses (art groups) and cooperatives in Gyeonggi-do Province
Counseling for Artist
Counsel on Unfair acts : Counsel on unfair practices such as unpaid wages, unfair contracts and so on related to artistic activities
Legal counsel : Counsel and consulting regarding contract, Copyright, Labor, accounting and any administrative cases related to artistic activities.
Psychological counseling : Provide psychological counseling to artists who are suffering from psychological and mental pain during artistic activities
Artistic Activity Certificate : Support for registration of Artistic Activity Certificate which is an official system to verify professional artist under the Art Welfare Act.
Education / Consulting
Gyeonggi Artist Academy : Education to strengthen self-reliance capacity for sustainable and stable art activities of artists in Gyeonggi-do province
Gyeonggi Artist Consulting : Provide professional consulting programs related to art start-ups
Inquiry: +82-31-231-0870/0880