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Lobby Gallery Deep Breath
Period/ 2018.02.05(Mon) ~ 2018.04.06(Fri)
Venue/ GGCF Lobby Gallery
Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation presents Deep Breath by Yukawa Nakayasu as the first exhibition to open the year of 2018 at the Lobby Gallery. Yukawa Nakayasu is a duet artist group consisting of Yukawa Hiroyasu and Nakayasu Keiichi, who are carving out their career mainly in Japan. After staying in Gyeonggi Creation Center as a part of the 2017 international exchange residence program between Gyeonggi Creation Center and Akiyoshidai International Art Village in Japan, Yukawa Nakayasu is holding Deep Breath and held a private exhibition of the same title last year. At this Lobby Gallery exhibition, 10 works that were on display at the Gyeonggi Creation Center private exhibition and four new works that the group has created specially for this occasion will be introduced.

Yukawa Nakayasu initiates their project with ‘deep breath,’ an innate act of human beings for the past, present, and future, to examine into the ‘rich’ history that composes our lives. By closely observing the human’s process of finding an equilibrium in the relationship with others, they shed light on the primitive act that is shared by all living creatures. Through the 14 works presented at the Lobby Gallery, you will feel the artists’ way of communication for creating the ‘richness’ of life.
After embracing the works based on Korean culture that were created since Yukawa Nakayasu first participated in the Gyeonggi Creation Center program, 《Deep Breath》 will continue to be their theme of work, even in depth, and they will present the works based on the Japanese and Taiwanese culture at the exhibitions of the same title at Akiyoshidai International Art village, Japan, at the end of February and Taipei Artist Village in May.
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경기문화재단 로비갤러리전

심호흡 – 유카와, 나카아스 / DEEP BREATH – YuKawa, Nakayasu

2018.02.05 – 04.06 경기문화재단 1F 로비

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